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  • Gambit programmer features: Car Key Master II (Gambit programmer)is intended for RFID ( transponders) is mainly produced for programming RFID transponders and generating RFID transponders from the immobilizer dump/eeprom of the car, in order to be able to start the vehicle.Gambit programmer works with PCF7935, PCF 7936 and T5.
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Gambit is an open-source collection of tools for doing computation in game theory. With Gambit, you can build, analyze, and explore game models.

Use Gambit's graphical interface to get intuition about simple games, or the command-line tools and Python scripting API to support your world-class research and practical applications.

Gambit is cross-platform: Get it for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

Getting started

Gambit 15

Gambit 15 is the current stable version.


Gambit 15 documentation ·Downloadlatest (15.1.1)

Gambit 16

Gambit 16 is the current research/development version. This is targeted at researchers who want the latest features.

Gambit 16 documentation ·Downloadlatest (16.0.1)

Game Theory Explorer

For an even faster start, try the onlineGame Theory Explorer tool,which allows you to build and solve games interactively in your web browser.

GTE documentation·Launch in your browser

Tutorial introductions

Some tutorial introductions are available, based on thetutorial on practical computation ingame theory given at EC'16: The 17th ACMConference on Economics and Computation alongside GAMES 2016, the Fifth World Congressof the Game Theory Society.

NEW! Valeria Burdea has contributeda nice example ofdoingquantalresponse analysis of a sender-receiver game.

Previous versions

Previous versions of Gambit are made available to facilitatereproducing calculations done with those versions. Only very limitedsupport of these versions is available.

Gambit 14

Gambit 14 documentation ·DownloadGambit 14.1.1

Gambit 13

Gambit 13 documentation ·DownloadGambit 13.1.2

Using and citing Gambit

Gambit is Free/Open Source software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

We hope you will find Gambit useful for both teaching and research applications. If you do use Gambit in a class, or in a paper, we would like to hear about it. We are especially interested in finding out what you like about Gambit, and where you think improvements could be made.

If Gambit was useful to you in writing a scientific paper, we suggest a citation of the form:

McKelvey, Richard D., McLennan, Andrew M., andTurocy, Theodore L.(2016).Gambit: Software Tools for Game Theory, Version 16.0.1.

Replace the version number and year as appropriate if you use adifferent release.


The Gambit Project thanks the University of East Anglia for itscurrent support of the project; the California Institute of Technologyand the National Science Foundationfor supporting the project from 1994-2001, and the 2011, 2012, and 2014editions of the Google Summer ofCode.

Get involved

As an Open Source project, Gambit relies on the contributions ofvolunteers. Here are some ways you can get involved:
  • The Gambit issue tracker and GTE issue tracker list requested fixes and enhancements. Issues marked 'easy' are often good places to become familiar with the internals. There are usually open issues covering everything from numerical programming to graphical interface design.
  • The project ideas page suggests some larger-scale features, suitable for working on over the course of a few momths.


The director of the Gambit Project isProf Dr TheodoreTurocy.

To get the latest news on Gambit, Game Theory Explorer, andcomputation in game theory, like us onFacebookand follow us on Twitter (@thegambitproj).

Gambit is an open-source collection of tools for doing computation in game theory. With Gambit, you can build, analyze, and explore game models.

Use Gambit's graphical interface to get intuition about simple games, or the command-line tools and Python scripting API to support your world-class research and practical applications.


Gambit is cross-platform: Get it for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

Getting started

Gambit 15

Gambit 15 is the current stable version.

Gambit 15 documentation ·Downloadlatest (15.1.1)

Gambit 16

Gambit 16 is the current research/development version. This is targeted at researchers who want the latest features.

Gambit 16 documentation ·Downloadlatest (16.0.1)

Game Theory Explorer

For an even faster start, try the onlineGame Theory Explorer tool,which allows you to build and solve games interactively in your web browser.

GTE documentation·Launch in your browser

Tutorial introductions

Some tutorial introductions are available, based on thetutorial on practical computation ingame theory given at EC'16: The 17th ACMConference on Economics and Computation alongside GAMES 2016, the Fifth World Congressof the Game Theory Society.

NEW! Valeria Burdea has contributeda nice example ofdoingquantalresponse analysis of a sender-receiver game.

Previous versions

Previous versions of Gambit are made available to facilitatereproducing calculations done with those versions. Only very limitedsupport of these versions is available.

Gambit 14

Gambit 14 documentation ·DownloadGambit 14.1.1

Gambit Key Programmer Software Download Windows 10

Gambit 13

Gambit Key Programmer Software Download Torrent

Gambit 13 documentation ·DownloadGambit 13.1.2

Using and citing Gambit

Gambit is Free/Open Source software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Gambit Key Programmer Software Download Windows 7

We hope you will find Gambit useful for both teaching and research applications. If you do use Gambit in a class, or in a paper, we would like to hear about it. We are especially interested in finding out what you like about Gambit, and where you think improvements could be made.

If Gambit was useful to you in writing a scientific paper, we suggest a citation of the form:

McKelvey, Richard D., McLennan, Andrew M., andTurocy, Theodore L.(2016).Gambit: Software Tools for Game Theory, Version 16.0.1.

Replace the version number and year as appropriate if you use adifferent release.


The Gambit Project thanks the University of East Anglia for itscurrent support of the project; the California Institute of Technologyand the National Science Foundationfor supporting the project from 1994-2001, and the 2011, 2012, and 2014editions of the Google Summer ofCode.

Get involved

As an Open Source project, Gambit relies on the contributions ofvolunteers. Here are some ways you can get involved:
  • The Gambit issue tracker and GTE issue tracker list requested fixes and enhancements. Issues marked 'easy' are often good places to become familiar with the internals. There are usually open issues covering everything from numerical programming to graphical interface design.
  • The project ideas page suggests some larger-scale features, suitable for working on over the course of a few momths.


The director of the Gambit Project isProf Dr TheodoreTurocy.

To get the latest news on Gambit, Game Theory Explorer, andcomputation in game theory, like us onFacebookand follow us on Twitter (@thegambitproj).