Aug 17, 2019 A Salary Slip Format is a single formal document that most comprehensively defines and manages the salary function by taking control over it. There can be various objectives behind using the Salary slip including the formal evidence document of salary function of employee (s). Jul 11, 2020 Salary Slip Format for Car Driver Uses of the Driver Salary Slip Template Excel: Salary slip is imperative for various purposes as it can be displayed as a confirmation to new managers that they have been paid that sum or proof of installment put forth in defense of any debate and so forth. Nov 07, 2019 Driver salary slip template excel is also used to track the training period of the driver and the period of receiving the salary month by month it is issued to them along with the salary. Type of file: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) Size: 16.5 KB (16,898 bytes) Monthly Simple Driver Salary Slip Template Excel. Customizable salary slip can be edited to create the perfect salary slip for your company. It contains an employee’s basic salary, Allowances and all deductions. It, therefore, indicates the net pay that your employee is expected to earn. You can use it to model your payslip. Editable sample Image: Source: UGC. A salary slip can be made easily with below mentioned free salary slip template. Salary slip is a business document that is signed by the employee after getting their salary. Salary slip is given to the employee at the time when he receives their salary. This slip is issued by the employer to the employee after completing the one month.

Salary Slip Format Excel: What is Salary Slip? How to prepare Salary Slip in Excel? “Salary Slip” also called as “Pay Slip“. A salary slip is a receipt prepared by the accountant instead of an employer to an employee at the end of every month. It contains a detailed description of the employee’s salary components like Company Name, Pay Slip Month, Name, Identification Number, Bank Account Number, Basic Salary, Gross Salary, Allowances, HRA, reimbursements, Provident Fund, TDS, Bonus paid etc and deductions for a specified time period, usually a month. It may be issued on paper or mailed to the employee. Employers are legally bound to issue salary slips to their employees periodically, as proof of salary payments to employees and deductions made. You can prepare salary slip in a few minutes with help these templates, simpler for HR professionals, HR executives, Administrative staffs etc.

Fix Salary Slip Format

Salary Slip Format Excel

Salary slip is a document issued by the employer to the employee every month upon receipt of a salary. Salary Pay Slip is an HR/Payroll document. Payslips are an important part of the Payroll process.

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The format of Payslip consists of all earnings (fixed and variable) and deductions (fixed and variable) along with the mandatory tax deductions like TDS and FBT.

Here we prepared few Salary Slip Excel Formats with predefined formulas. It can help to calculate the Gross earnings and deductions.

Important Salary Slip Excel Format

Format For Drivers Salary Slip 2020

  • Header: Company Name
  • Employee Details
  • Salary Components
  • Summary
  • Approval and Notes

Few Salary Slip Formulas

Taxable IncomeIncome(Gross Salary + Other Income) – Deductions
CTC= Total salary package of the employeeGross Salary + PF + Gratuity
Gross SalaryBasic Salary + HRA + Other Allowances
Net SalaryBasic Salary + HRA + Allowances – Income Tax – Employer’s Provident Fund – Professional Tax


  • Basic Salary
  • Dearness Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • Conveyance Allowance
  • Leave Travel Allowance
  • Medical Allowance
  • Performance Bonus and Special Allowance
  • Other Allowances


  • HRA (House Rent Allowance
  • PF (Provident Fund)
  • Standard Deduction
  • Professional Tax
  • TDS (Tax Deductible at Source)
  • Telephone bills reimbursement, Medical reimbursements etc. are exempt from the tax deduction
  • Loans EMI
  • ESI
  • Health Insurance

Additionally, Payslip is very important for applying credit card, loans, mortgage of houses and the government benefits such as tax benefits, subsidy and medical benefits.

The employee Salary Slip is a very important legal document proof for his earnings. That’s why according to law, it is your right to ask for the Pay Slip if your company is not issuing it. While every company has to provide you Pay Slips, few companies even offer a print of payslip to their employee or email salary slip in PDF format to their employees so that we can download the payslip anytime.

Payment receipts

If you are running or working in a transport company, you want to keep the history of the payment made to all the drivers. The main purpose of using the driver payment receipt is to ensure that the money matters between the driver and the owner of the transport company are resolved smoothly without causing any conflict. A template of driver payment receipt has added on this website that you can download free of cost. It is available in MS Word format that has provided ease to company owners. The payroll process of the transport company becomes simple with the use of payment receipts.

Anyone can use the payment receipt available on this site for his/her personal as well as professional use. It is a very useful approach to maintaining the record of the payment that has been made to the employees. If you want to use this payment receipt of the driver at home, you can easily use it. Moreover, after slight modification, it can be used for other servants such as gardener, maid, etc.

Contents of driver payment receipt:

Format For Drivers Salary Slip California

Format for drivers salary slip form

The main details that are added to the receipt are:

  1. Basic salary:

This field includes the basic salary details of the driver. The necessary amount to be paid to the driver that has been settled in the salary agreement should be mentioned in this field.

  1. Distance traveled:

Format for drivers salary slip in south africa

The total distance that the driver has traveled is written in this field. The salary of the driver is totally based on the total distance traveled by him. Because of it, it is important to add this field to this template.

  1. Terms and conditions:

There are some requirements related to the payment that is agreed upon by the company as well as the driver. Those conditions should be added to the receipt of payment that acts as a reminder. After the payment, the receipt should be signed by the driver because it serves as proof that the payment was made to the driver. The document can be helpful in case of any dispute.

Format For Drivers Salary Slip California

Format: MS Word | Download