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In 2002, DivoGames Ltd. publishes AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. on Windows. This action game is now abandonware and is set in an arcade, flight, helicopter, shooter and shmup.
Screenshots from MobyGames.com
noa2021-08-120 point
Bayu2021-04-250 point
Can't even start. I even try this on my Windows XP, but also doesn't work. I even try on Windows 7 too, crash on start too.
GoldenWolfe2021-03-100 point
ahh my child hood game
Eternal Darkness2021-02-240 point
14MB doesn't work and 24mb is not Air Strike 3d, it's Air Assault, it's whole different game!
FairFelix2020-12-201 point
İndirdim yükledim çalışıyor beyler 2 kişilik cooperative de oynanıyor mis gibi
strelok2020-12-091 point
this game is not working with windows 10
because it used old opengl rendering that isnt compatible with newest driver
while airstrike 2 and gulf thunder using direct3d rendering that compatible with newest driver
EmulationNation2020-11-040 point
Tested on Window 10 with both Intel and Nvidia GPU ok. Please note don't try the 14MB download as it will not work on Windows 10, the Gametop version does and its an excellent game.
Atta Halilintar2020-08-211 point
Wow!,Why i cant playing this game today?
alen2020-08-010 point
guys who know how to fix stopped working
my operating system is windows 7 home premium x64
who knows tell me how to fix plss reply me for that fix...
iam love that game...!
cc2020-07-291 point
this was and is a great game . played it all the time and i own it i have the licence code and want to play it again hopefully it works
JmTrad2020-06-280 point
Licence Name: Pikachu
Hellcat_destroyer2020-06-132 points
yeah i played this game when i was little but it seems that it doesnt run with todays assets... too bad :(
Mohammad Elsheimy2020-04-24-3 points
Not working on Windows 10. Requires activation serial too.
audric2020-04-020 point
hope the app isnt lagging
tas2019-11-012 points
That's a great game I used to play back in the day.
Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!
Just one click to download at full speed!
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